I preached a message last night simply titled Living in the promise. God was there and I believe lives were touched, and blessings were received. I feel the need to share this on my blogs. I know the struggles of life just as well as the next person. No, ministry has not exempted me from life. I understand having more bills than money, I understand working 60 hours a week, just to make ends meet. Life is unkind, and sometimes seems unfair. Look at the life of Jacob, if you will. A man who was given a lot in life he never asked for. Why did he have to be the second born? Why did he have to be the outcast? Why couldn't he be daddy's favorite? Doesn't seem fair does it? We've all encountered scenarios in life where we wonder sometimes, did I do something wrong? God do you even know I'm alive? Most of us, however, just accept the cards we are dealt. We just assume that since this is where we are, this must be all there is for me? But when we examine Jacob's character we find that Jacob never responded this way. In fact, even as an infant in his mother's womb, the Bible tells us that Jacob wrestled with Esau; because even at a young age, Jacob desired that birthright.
Many believe that Jacob had character flaws, and i cannot dispute that, however, i refuse to believe that Jacob was driven by greed. Although it was deception that got him the birthright in the first place, and an even greater deception that tricked his daddy out of the blessing; i do believe Jacob's motives were deeper than that. I will not try and dispute the facts that Jacob had issues. But what i find fascinating, is that even through his failures, and mistakes, Jacob still longed to walk in the same promise, that Abraham and Isaac walked in. The desire to be anointed drove him to extreme measures. His life was driven by this statement, "If he doesn't want it, i do!"
But Jacob was forced to run, for fear of his life, and he dwells with his uncle Laban. On his way to Laban's house Jacob, when he was all alone, experienced a vision. He saw what we refer to as "Jacob's ladder". And so he lives with Laban and begins to enjoy life in the blessing. He finds wives, and raises children, his cattle and flocks are multiplied beyond measure. But Jacob is still empty, there is still something missing. So Jacob is now forced to go back home and confront the mistakes of his past. On his journey he sends his family into 2 groups, and he falls back, all alone once again.
We must never take these moments of isolation lightly. We must always be mindful of the fact that we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1). Even in our loneliest moments, we are never truly alone. For God said in his word, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee (Hebrews 13:5). But its here in these isolation when God really begins to work in your life. Abraham journeyed alone, and was trained to hear God's voice; Moses spent 40 years on the backside of a mountain, David spent most of his young adult life tending sheep alone in the back of a shepherds field, Elijah spent time alone in the backside of a cave; even the Apostle Paul, when he experienced the light of the world, spent 3 days blind on the backside of a desert. Yet in all accounts, these men received great revelation from God. Its what I call, Revelation by Isolation. It takes us separating ourselves from the crowds, and getting to a place with God, where there are no distractions, no interruptions, and no concern with how crazy it may sound or look. Just you and God, nobody else. Its here in these critical moments of intense prayer and supplication that God will reveal his nature to you. We want to find God at this degree, but we are never willing to feel the uncomfortable atmosphere of isolation. we hate being alone, and we're missing out on revelation.
Jacob understood this principle, he'd found it once already (vision).
Now I can imagine that Jacob knew it was time for him to be alone with God. Only this time, the Bible illustrates to us a fantastic story of a man and an Angel engaged in an epic wrestling match. Its a scene that has captivated the minds of artists, political figures, musicians, and poets alike. Jacob, a mere human, able to fight with a being from another dimension. But notice, Jacob was not the initiator or the aggressor. God is the one who initiated this struggle. And if you look closely Jacob doesn't become aggressive until he feels the pain (the angel touched the hollow of his thigh, and his hip became dislocated). This pain was not intended to end the struggle, but rather it was intended to remind Jacob of all the pain he felt in his past. His entire life was painful. He was the least of his family, he was Esau's little brother, he was a nobody, had nothing to offer, he was just another kid, just another child, nothing special, nothing of significance. And in this moment of pain, all the trauma of his past resurfaced, and now Jacob has had enough. When the angel commands Jacob to let go, Jacob replies, I will not let you go until you bless me.
This blessing Jacob asked for was not of financial gain, Jacob was simply letting God know, I'm tired of being less than, I'm tired of being a nobody, all I've ever wanted was to live in the promise, and I'm not letting go until you give me permission to live in the blessing!! I won't let go until you anoint me to walk in the promise!! And although Jacob was a liar, and although Jacob was a deceiver and a heel grabber, although Jacob wasn't the first born and he wasn't supposed to be in this blessed covenant; his passion was his permission!
What my prayer is, through this lengthy blog, that somebody would realize that you don't have to be anything other than willing. There is an anointing locked up for somebody who would simply allow their passion to be their permission, and finally discover the truth, i may not be the most talented, but I'm willing. I'm may be under-qualified, or under-aged, but I'm willing! I hope someone will be encouraged to pursue the things of God, and allow this brief message from my heart to motivate you to do more for God than you've ever imagined. Be blessed and be encouraged! God is the one who brought you to this place of struggle, because he wants to give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4) Someone has longed to be used of God, get ready your "blessing" is just around the corner; and soon you will be Living In the Promise!