Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Journey

Numbers 21:4
"And they journeyed from mount Hor by the way of the Red Sea, to compass the land of Edom: and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way."

"Life is just a journey" -Princess Diana

Perhaps truer words have never been spoken. When we consider the ups and downs of life, we can admittedly concur that life is simply a journey. Just when we think we have figured it all, and feel like we have a firm grasp on it, without warning the rug is yanked out from beneath us and we're faced with the recognition that life really is a journey. Oh don't get me wrong, this journey possesses many great moments. Life is full of celebrations, milestones and accomplishments; the day I got married and the birth of my children rank at the top of life's greatest thrills. I can't forget the feeling of buying my first home or purchasing my first car. This journey is rewarding at times as well; I've experienced a lot on this journey. My upbringing although at times very troubling was one of my greatest blessings, not curses. It revealed to me more about the nature of God than anything I've ever experienced. Nothing can replace the knowledge, understanding and wisdom that can be attained along this journey of life.

With all of that being said, life can at times become very overwhelming. Although life is filled with exuberant mountain top experiences, it's the valleys on this journey that threaten to destroy you. It's the valley's that cause even the strongest people to become weak, and the bravest souls to fear. It's in these valleys of torment where you question your calling, your purpose and your value. It's here in the loneliness of the valley where your mind will be tested and your nights become sleepless. Regardless of how high your mountain tops appear to be, I warn you friend this journey will take you to these valleys. These valleys strike without warning, one day everything is going great, the next you walk outside to see police officers outside your house and your world begins to unravel. It's when your minding your own business and your cell phone rings; it's one car wreck, one lie, one stab in the back or one bad decision that can altar your entire life! And suddenly as you look around your surrounded by the darkness of that valley and the voices of hell are calling out to you. It's no wonder the Psalmist David said these words...

"Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." Psalm 23:4

It can be debilitating walking in this valley, as your compassed by a shadow it feels as if death is the only sure possibility. How do I escape this? In this place it feels as if your prayers can't reach the ceiling, as if everyone around you is blessed and your the only one struggling. It's here where the thoughts of giving up and throwing in the towel parade around your mind.

When Joel prophesied about the last days he makes this observation. Joel 3:14 "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision..."

Millions of people tragically searching for hope from within the shadows of death. And this valley can simply be labeled the valley of decision. From the midst of this tormented place a decision will be made. To walk closer to God, or to finally succumb to the voice of defeat.

But David recognized, even while surrounded by the teeth of hell, I have nothing here to fear. He states even though I'm walking through this valley, I will fear no evil. How can he say this? How in the world could a man be surrounded by such pain and despair, and honestly say such a thing? It was because David had this revelation... thou art with me!!

Maybe that's why the Psalmist gives this address in Psalm 139:7-10, "Whither shall I go from thy spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me."

What peace!! To know that even in my lowest valley, God is with me! And not only is he with me, but he is leading me through this valley, and he holds me in his right hand!

Psalm 16:11, "Thou wilt show me the path of life (reveal the journey): in thy presence is the fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."

It doesn't matter what element of the journey you find yourself in, stay connected to the master! He will show you the way through the tough times, he will lead you with his divine hand, and he will hold you together with his right hand! And in his right hand friend are pleasures forevermore!! I can be in the darkest valley and still sing and shout, because I'm in the hand of God! And I will never fear what evil may be present, for I know my God is right beside me! Be encouraged in your valley today! God may not bring you out, but he will LEAD you through! And while I'm here, I'm not going to feel sorry for myself, but I will enjoy the beautiful blessings of God!

Psalm 23:5, "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies..."

Be blessed!

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